Signs Your Child Could Benefit From Child Behavioral Therapy

14 December 2020
 Categories: , Blog

When you are a loving and caring parent, the last thing you want is to think that there is something "wrong" with your child. Every child is special and unique and each has their challenges and problems. However, there is a fine line between an occasional issue and a chronic one that requires help and care to recover from and overcome. Child behavioral therapy can be a great solution to many of the problems that children can face as they grow and change. Read More 

What Kind Of Substance Abuse Therapy Is Available?

24 September 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Addiction is a serious problem. Many substances can lead to addiction, from alcohol to prescription medication. In many cases, there is a physical component to drug addiction, but the psychological aspect is just as harmful. Substance abuse therapy can help drug addicts overcome their addiction. Here are the four types of therapy available to people with a substance abuse problem: 1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Cognitive behavioral therapy can be used to treat a wide variety of conditions, including addiction. Read More 

Understanding Your Approach to Sex Addiction Counseling: Are You Suffering from a Compulsion or the Consequences of Abuse?

10 July 2020
 Categories: , Blog

There's a significant difference between having a compulsive disorder, such as sexual addiction, and suffering the consequences of some form of abuse. You may be experiencing self-degrading promiscuity as a result. When you need sex addiction counseling, making this distinguishment is the key to your recovery. If You Were Abused Unfortunately, many victims of abuse, be it sexual, physical or psychological, act out the devastating consequences in their own lives. They'll abuse themselves in one form or another, as a sort of silent call for help. Read More 

How Does Individual Counseling Compare To Group Therapy?

13 May 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Many people utilize the services of therapists to get help and change their lives for the better. There are various forms of therapy available. You can get one on one counseling, you can see a therapist as a couple or as a family, or you can take advantage of group therapy with other people who are outside of your family or friend circle. No matter how you choose to get help through therapy, it's a big step to ask for help and admit that you need guidance. Read More 

Has Working Remotely Led To Increased Frustration? 3 Common Challenges That Work Stress Therapy Can Help You With

12 May 2020
 Categories: , Blog

At first glance, working from home might seem like an ideal situation. People sometimes joke about being able to work in their pajamas or do a load of laundry in between work tasks. While it is true that you get to enjoy a few perks, you might be realizing now that working remotely also has a few downsides. Whether you've begun working from home due to the recent pandemic or this is just your company's new way of handling your position, it is important to recognize that your feelings of frustration are valid. Read More